We started our big adventure when moved into our house in July 2019, with eight chickens and two dogs. Quickly we learned that we needed farm dogs because of the coyote and foxes living nearby. We now have a large flock of free-range chickens, geese, ducks and a few goats that our Great Pyrneeses, Winston and Otto, keep safe.
We have around eight acres that we are working with to return to a productive farm. Currently we are working about two acres and are expanding slowly. We specialize in growing market produce (tomatoes, green beans, beets, peppers, squash, etc). As we expand our operation over the next few years, we will be offering more products. Plans include honey, Black walnut syrup, cut flowers, and mushrooms (oysters specifically). When safe we plan to add farm events, like dinners or cooking courses.
We are located just East of Bloomington, Indiana in the Monroe Lake watershed. If you’ve driven E State Rd 46 to Nashville, IN you’ve likely seen our Big Red Barn. The Farm stand is open from dawn to dusk seven days a week April to November.

Values and Practices

Because we are located in the Monroe Lake watershed we are very focused on using responsible farming practices as we slowly covert the land back to a farm fields.
We value local, sustainable food, community and respect for the land, livestock, and local resources. We take pride in providing high quality products and services at a fair and sustainable price. It is our responsibility to create an environmentally friendly farm business.
We follow organic farming practices, but do not have plans to gain certification. Our goal is to promote the health of the soil, plants, and animals by choosing proper species, crop rotation, and sustainable techniques. We do encourage the movement and all efforts toward more sustainable and local food production.
Meet the team



Otto and Winston
Animal protection